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Flexible teaching course design

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2024-06-20
  • View count:2347


  • The School now has one class for grade 7 students, two for grade 8 and three for grade 9; and seven classes for high school. We follow student’s personal data and assessing result of learning start-point to class them by learning capability. Making students learn in the most suitable class and initiation level.


  • Apply the teaching program outline designed under the instruction of course program commission guided by Prof. Wu, Ying-Zhang, professor of Psychology Department, Taiwan University; the School’s teachers refer student’s learning status to make detailed design and teach students.


  • The high school courses try best following students’ past specialties (computer software application, food cooking, car repair and etc.) to make connection teaching or skill training.


  • The School now has the computer software application, bakery and automobile/motor repair skill certifying field available to make level III technician certification. We follow each student’s individual interest and willing to let them join the respective program and assist them to derive Level III technician certificates. The skill training program is designed to adjust student’s character and adjust social environment; it focus on both theory and practice in the prospect of increasing student’s capability of applying what they have learned.
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