Full-scale care
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2018-12-27
- View count:2669
The counsel works contain: draft counsel enforcing plan, building student counsel information, surveying student cases and data collecting and studying works; implement and analyze student’s intelligence, character and aptitude tests; overall study, analyze and credit student’s case information and counsel them; grade student counsel effort; edit and publish counsel publications; make student’s home visits, family education, traced counsel after leaving school and after-care work, etc.; report, review and study the counsel effort; and other planning and executing works regarding student counseling and social resource application.
- Build the counsel commission expanding the counsel work to the entire school.
- To build harmonic campus and let students learn how to communicate by democratic way, the School has hired education experts and social elites to be commission members and builds the student pleading commission.
Build the counsel task commission to facilitate expanding the school counsel works.
Associate professional psychological doctors and network to provide students and faculty mental care
Collect volunteers from various sources to join the volunteer counselors and social volunteers.
Set up counsel plan and schedule
Warm space and professional quality
Plan for the space of Counsel Department
Increase equipment in the Counsel Department
Get books for students to borrow and read in the prospect of upgrading mental maturity.