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Hsinchu adolescent school teaching visits: report and observations

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2018-12-27
  • View count:1887

中央大學認知神經科學研究所 Neil G Muggleton馬杰仁教授的真心回饋Hsinchu adolescent school teaching visits: report and observations
Neil G Muggleton
13th April 2016

This series of visits had the main aim of assisting with the preparations for song/concert performances by a group from the institution, primarily by assisting with the English language components involved.
This offered a good opportunity to see both the environment and behavior of the students involved with this. Throughout the series of visits the students were always polite and engaged well in the lessons, generally putting a good deal of effort into improving where it was necessary. This was particularly the case for some who had a much lower standard of English than others, making some aspects of the English they were required to produce quite difficult.
At the end of the series of lessons, the class performed their learned songs on stage and in front of an audience. They did this to a high standard, and seemed enthusiastic about doing so.



Overall, it seems that the classes were engaging, the students were well behaved and generally tried well in the classes, and hopefully such exercises will continue to be beneficial for them in the future, encouraging a good attitude to both learning and the teaching environment.

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