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Our school holds an online meeting for the "111 Years of Adversity Youth and Family Support Service Project"

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2022-10-21
  • View count:228

In order to implement the Convention on the Rights of the Child and implement early prevention and early intervention, the four correction schools cooperated with the Ministry of Health and Welfare to handle the "111 Years of Adversity Juvenile and Family Support Service Plan", and regularly held quarterly online meetings to invite social and administrative authorities to follow up The social worker who counsels the juvenile, the juvenile protection officer of the district court and the school's teaching and auxiliary teachers discuss how to help students and families build a supportive environment, and provide necessary preparation and assistance, so that the juvenile can return to the community smoothly in the future. employment.

This year, our school held cross-network contact meetings in March, June and September respectively. In addition to the communication and coordination of administrative cooperation, it also provided a platform for inter-professional discussions on the direction of case handling. The number of students for discussion was 120/annual cumulative 320 person-times. A total of 11 classes/182 people attended the meeting, and 595 people attended the meeting outside the school.

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